About us

GRENTO Ltd. is manufacturer and distributor of household appliances
The GRENTO household appliances are of proven high quality, designed to provide the necessary functionality, reliable, energy efficient, providing possibility for competitive positioning.
GRENTO Ltd. has the experience and responsibility to provide each delivery on time , applying best practices for monitoring and control of production.
The company invests in in-depth product research and analysis and production technologies to offer up-to-date and innovative products to its customers.
GRENTO Ltd. builds long-term partnerships with Bulgarian and foreign companies, creating an environment for building and developing successful business projects.
GRENTO appliances are designed to bring comfort and pleasure in your home.
The main priorities for GRENTO are:
Building partnerships with distributors in the country
Production and delivery of reliable, economical and affordable home appliances
Guaranteeing the quality, long and trouble-free life of GRENTO appliances
Maintaining a service partner network for a quick and adequate response in the after-sales warranty and after-warranty period

All GRENTO professional and household appliances are designed to meet the highest European requirements for energy efficiency and environmental protection.